Sunday, September 28, 2008

Fast Sunday

Because today was fast sunday I didn't really have that many calories. When it was dinner time, I had a few crackers and cheese (the lowfat kind) while I was making ravoli. I had 1 serving of ravoli with a bunch of sauce. I then had a large glass of water. Around 7PM I had one of those little bags of Fruit Gushers. They were really gross by the way. I don't think I'll have another one of them. I had another glass of water and that was it for the day.

Brent and I worked a little in the yard today and that was about all for physical activity. But I'm heading to bed and will do some sit ups before I get in bed. I tried to go for a walk with my friend Gamble, but she didn't answer the phone and I got so tired that I took a nap. So for the begining, I didn't do so well. But tomorrow I have a walk planned with my friend Brenda. And I plan on doing my new cardio DVD after school.

Thank you for all those that commented on my last post. I know I'm beautiful, I just need to convience the mirror and scale of that fact.

My new goal is to run a mile under 10 minutes. I think I can do that in a month. So on October 28th I hope to do that. Pray for me.


Danyelle Ferguson said...

Hi Timi

After having Anna, I weighed over 200 lbs, too. Now I'm down to 140. It took a lot of work - and about a year. But you can totally do it!!! You can!

If you want to know some of the stuff I did to help lose weight, shoot me an email. Good luck, chick!

El Ponderado said...

Yo - I know that you know that I'm a big fan of the Body for Life plan. You probably know the basics, but I bet you'd love it if you read the book. It's the only way I've ever seen any long term success. If I sent you a copy, would you read it through?

Love Ty

Erin, Brad and Matthew said...

Go Timille! Being able to have a baby is great motivation to do things. I stopped drinking caffeine and made it a point to go to the dentist and get all of my teeth fixed before getting pregnant and I am so proud of it and I have Matthew to remind me of the accomplishment every day. You can do it and you will be so thankful in the end.

I don't have a ton of advice to give about dieting but all I can say is that if you want something really bad allow yourself to have some but just a little bit. Don't deprive yourself of all of the foods you love but control how much you have of them. Or use them as a reward for doing something good. It seems silly to reward yourself with a bad food for exercising but if it helps to keep you motivated I say reward yourself.

Sarah Payne said...

Hola! It is great that you and your hubby are doing this together. It makes it so much easier when you don't have to watch someone enjoying what you know you shouldn't. Weight watchers has worked for me twice. Before I was able to get pregnant with Shanna. I lost 20 lbs, which made so much difference. I started again in January and have lost 35 lbs. My goal is to have another baby. I want to lose the weight to reduce the chance of any miscariges, another pre-mature birth or any complications during the pregnancy or birth. Not to mention I am at such high risk for diabetes, and with that comes heart disease, among too many other things. I began by changing the way I ate, which lost the first 20. I then started walking and then was able to run. I now run 2 miles a day in 20-25 minutes. It is so nice to know that my body can do that! If you are ready, I know that you will be able to do it. My motivation when I lost weight the first time was to be healthy. If I couldn't get pregnant, I was going to look and feel good. I believe that loosing the weight was a big part in me getting pregnant. Good luck, my thoughts are with you!
Love, Sarah